
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring Garden Update

Ok, its been awhile since my last post.  I have gotten a bit of a late start this spring with my indoor tomato seed starting.  My seeds should be here any day.  So far I've ordered these seeds:

Patty Pan Squash

Maxibel (Haricot Verts) style Green Beans - these are a long thin variety.  You'll see many recipes featuring this French style green bean.

Super Steak Tomatoes - Large sandwich tomatoes

San Marzano Tomatoes - Italian variety used for making sauce and in salads

Mexican Sour Gherkin - an heirloom cucumber variety that are the size of grapes, they look like mini watermelons and have a tart taste!

When my parents are back from Florida, we'll get peas, onions, more green beans, butternut squash, acorn squash, corn, kale, lettuce, zucchini and peppers.  There could be more I'm leaving out.  The garden will be expanded this year also!  Last year we had 2100 square feet of garden...I'm not sure of the exact measurements of the garden this year, but it will be in a different location!  I'm going to try and get my tomato seeds started indoors this week!  Once they've sprouted I'll post some pictures!